Chandra and God

By Glenn Mitchell

I was with Theresa in Georgetown, Kentucky in November for the grand opening of SoHum, TriYoga International’s new program space. It was a joy to be with Theresa’s teacher Kaliji as she led our group of forty through daily flows. As usual for these events, I rolled out my mat in the back corner, giving evidence of my avoid-close-scrutiny-when-doing-yoga-in-the-big-leagues syndrome. I chug away at my own pace, the best I can, and hope not to draw any attention. Of course, on the opening morning, the empty mat beside me turned out to be Chandra’s, one of TriYoga’s senior teachers. I was actually elated when I saw she would be the one flowing beside me for she is one of my favorite teachers and I hadn’t been with her for at least five years.

Periodically, during the flows that followed, Chandra would roll up and turn to me and whisper a tiny suggestion of something that might assist my flow. I’d be struggling with a posture and she’d tell me to do something simple, like turn my leg in a few degrees or anchor my pelvis before I started the movement. What she shared was always specific, there is no generalized advice that comes from Chandra. Her counsel was always accompanied by hand gestures demonstrating on her body or mine, the invited adjustment. And whatever she suggested I would try to do even though it usually made no sense to me. And when I would do it, it would immediately make a difference. How could she possibly know? And it is not like she is sitting there studying me. She is flowing beside me with her eyes shut and yet somehow knows precisely where my flow is hung up.

Having Chandra flowing beside me is like walking down the street with God. I am slowly understanding that I am always completely obvious to God, and evidently to Chandra. Once I released any embarrassment about being seen so fully, it was actually quite comforting. As random and as unconnected as I may be in the midst of my flow, Chandra and God are holding clearly the image of how I might flow forward in greater freedom. Her whispered words deepen my connection to myself. I don’t know how much better I flowed on the mat but I know I flow better in spirit because of the way Chandra and God see me.

Those that love to see you—and see you to Love, 
Are precious gifts. 
May you flow forward in freedom before such presence.

Love and Peace, Glenn

Glenn Mitchell is happily practicing retirement and spiritual direction outside of Spring Mills, PA, where he lives with his wife and TYCP Director, Theresa. Glenn enjoys attending the mystery overflowing around him, making things from wood, tending the garden, cooking, and sitting in silence.

Glenn’s PrayerNotes from the Homestead, where this piece was originally published, can be found at:  Glenn can be reached at


Quite a Year


Listen to Your Teacher